Thursday, March 27, 2008


It seems I never really have anything interesting to say on this blog. Then again, that doesn't really surprise me because I like to keep most of my thoughts to myself. Which probably isn't always a good thing but sometimes I say things that just tend to offend people, which isn't what I intend to do. It's just confusing.
My teachers say that I'm to closed minded and opinionated... I say they just say that because I don't eat up every word they say and I'm willing to hold my OWN opinion. Which does bring up something I'd like to talk about. Something I hate about Schools and Teachers... The fact that they want you to believe everything they way they see it. I hardly listen to my teachers. I listen when they give out assignments and I do them and turn them in but when they are lecturing I just shut them out and day dream so my mind isn't infected with their B.S. I feel bad for the students less foruntate who don't know not to always believe what they hear.

20 days til my birthday :)

1 comment:

Amie said...

What a rare thing for a high schooler. Jeremiah always says he wishes he knew in high school what he knows now!